Guide for Contributors

Guide for Contributors

General provisions

  1. New Medicine” accepts for publication original papers related to otolaryngology and pediatric otolaryngology.
  2. The authors state that:
    • their article or its parts have not been previously published and are not submitted to any other journal,
    • they transfer all the copyrights to the article to the Publisher.
    • The statement is available here.
  3. The articles are published in English.
  4. The manuscripts should be prepared with diligence and attention to linguistic correctness.


  1. All the authors must comply with the Helsinki Declaration and the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
    • Appropriate institutional ethics committee’s approval must be provided for clinical studies.
    • When experimental animals are used, it must be clearly indicated that adequate measures were taken to minimize pain or discomfort.
    • For clinical trials, name of the public registry under which the clinical trial has been registered, and the number of the trial, must be provided.
    • Please place this information in the Materials and Methods, e.g.: This study was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of ‘name of guidelines, name of committee’ with written informed consent from all subjects. All subjects gave written informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
  2. The authors are to fill in and sign a Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest (financial support, personal relations, academic rivalry, research sponsoring), as well as to include one of the following statements at the end of their article:
    • The authors certify that they have NO affiliations with or involvement in any organization or entity with any financial interest (such as honoraria; educational grants; participation in speakers’ bureaus; membership, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, or other equity interest; and expert testimony or patent-licensing arrangements), or non-financial interest (such as personal or professional relationships, affiliations, knowledge or beliefs) in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript, or
    • The authors report the following details of affiliation or involvement in an organization or entity with a financial or non-financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript. [the nature of the conflict is to be specified].
    • Information on financial support must also be provided.
    • The reviewers and editors should report to the Editor any suspicions concerning their conflict of interest with the author.
  3. The author must have obtained, for all studies including human subjects, the permission of the subjects to be part of the study whilst keeping their anonymity.
    • By sending the article, the author declares that he obtained this permission from all his subjects.
    • It should also be stated in the Materials and Methods section that written informed consent was obtained from all the subjects.
  4. The authors should take all possible measures to ensure the anonymity of the participants.
    • Only scientific and clinical data of the participants can be provided. Ethnicity or religion of the participants is not to be revealed unless it is relevant to the study.
    • Photographs of identifiable persons and clinical data that enable identification of a patient must be sent alongside the written permission of the person(s).
    • If consent has not been obtained, it is generally not sufficient to anonymize a photograph simply by using eye bars or blurring the face of the individual concerned.
  5. By submitting the article, the authors declare that no plagiarism, ghostwriting and guest authorship practices were used during the process of writing the manuscript.
  6. The authors agree that their article will be available for the public in accordance to the CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

Technical requirements

  1. The article is not to be shorter than 12,000 characters with spaces and not longer than 30,000 characters with spaces. Shorter articles will not be accepted. Longer articles may be charged additional fee for editing work.
  2. The abstract is not to be shorter than 151 words in both English and Polish.
  3. The following files are to be submitted: article, figures, tables. Each file should be named as follows: initials of the author_first word / title words_article/ tables / figures, for example: AK_Pulmunology_article, AK_Pulmunology_tables, AK_Pulmunology_figures.
  4. We accept Microsoft Word .doc and .docx file formats.
  5. Please use Times New Roman, 12 pts, double space between the lines. This applies to the manuscript, abstract and literature.
  6. Use standard, 2,5 cm margins.
  7. Align text to the left.
  8. Use page numbering, starting with number 1 on title page.
  9. All the manuscripts of original papers must follow the plan: Summary, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Statement on Conflict of Interest, Literature. All the manuscripts of case reports must follow the plan: Summary, Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, Statement on Conflict of Interest, Literature. All the reviews must follow the plan: Summary, Introduction, [chapters depending on the subject], Conclusions, Statement on Conflict of Interest, Literature.
  10. Please refer to our Guide on the Structure of the Manuscript for further technical requirements concerning the structure of the manuscript and the information it should contain.

Submitting the manuscript

  1. Please send manuscript either via e-mail: It is also possible to deliver the manuscript on a CD, DVD or USB drive via mail sent to the publisher’s address.
  2. Manuscripts must contain contact details of the authors providing the manuscript.
  3. Please include the following signed statements (you can send scans via e-mail):
  4. Authors are responsible for the content of the published articles in accordance with the rules of civil liability.

The qualifying procedure

  1. Before review process, articles are pre-reviewed by the editors. Articles not fulfilling technical standards of our journal, as well as articles of low scientific value, are rejected.
  2. Double-blind, peer-reviewed process is applicable to all the articles. Each manuscript is assessed by at least two independent reviewers from outside the research unit affiliated by the author of the publication; the author or authors of the publication and reviewers do not know their identities. In other cases, the reviewer signs a declaration of no conflict of interest (direct personal relations between the reviewer and the author, in particular affinity to the second degree, marriage, relationships of professional subordination or direct scientific cooperation in the past two years preceding the year of the review development). The written assessment contains an unambiguous conclusion concerning the conditions for release of the reviewed scientific paper for publication or for rejecting it. Review form used by our reviewers can be found on our website. The names of the reviewers of individual publications or the numbers of the scientific journal issues are not disclosed.
  3. Article with two positive reviews is accepted; article with two negative reviews is rejected; article with one positive and one negative review is sent to a third reviewer that has a deciding voice (he or she is, however, not informed that his opinion will be deciding).
  4. The publisher reserves the right to make the necessary amendments relating to the expert names, style, grammar, punctuation, briefings and elimination of unnecessary content in the papers selected for printing. The corresponding author receives final version of the article before print for acceptation. The authors must submit their changes to the final version within the deadline given by the publisher. If the publisher receives no amendments, it is considered that the authors do not wish to make any amendments.
  5. During the pre-review and review process, the manuscript can be sent back to the authors to make necessary amendments. The corrections must be made before a deadline given by the publisher.

The regulations have been developed in accordance with the Ordinance of the Ministry of Science of Higher Education of 2th June 2015 on the criteria and procedure for the evaluation of scientific journals and with the „Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” N Engl J Med. 1997; 336: 309-315 (

Editorial Office address:
Borgis Medical Publisher
8/103 Ekologiczna Street
02-798 Warsaw, Poland