Category Archives: Conferences

XV Konferencja Naukowo-szkoleniowa „Otorynolaryngologia Łódź 2018” oraz X Konferencja Polskiego Towarzystwa Audiologicznego i Foniatrycznego

Szanowni Państwo, Drogie Koleżanki i Koledzy, Serdecznie zapraszamy do uczestniczenia w Jubileuszowej XV Konferencji Naukowo-szkoleniowej „Otorynolaryngologia Łódź 2018” oraz X Konferencji Polskiego Towarzystwa Audiologicznego i Foniatrycznego, która odbywać się będzie w Łodzi w dniach 27-28 września 2018 roku. Jak co roku, postaraliśmy się przygotować dla Państwa ciekawy pogram naukowy, obejmujący szeroką tematykę otolaryngologiczną, audiologiczną i

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4th International Conference of the Medical Science Pulse

Young Scientists – from Master of Science to Associate Professor The purpose of the 4th International Conference of Medical School in Opole is to provide the practical guidance on preparing and writing scientific articles, preparing for the evaluation of scientist’s career, building academic portfolio, networking and information flow among the local and international academic world,

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23nd International Conference on Cardiology

  INVITATION   Ladies and Gentelmen, Dear Colleagues and Friends Welcome to Zabrze at our 23nd International Conference on Cardiology and 17th Interventional Cardiology Workshop, at 7th Polish-Ukrainian Heart Surgery Forum. This year, our meeting has an exceptional nature and course. In 2016, Silesian Center for Heart Diseases, a high-tech adult and paediatric center for

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Identify innovations worth funding

Investing in Medical Innovations – Congress & Fair (IMICF 2016) is a two-day event organised by MedInvest Scanner at the International Conference Centre in Katowice on 18–19 February 2016. The Congress is addressed mainly to investors and innovators from all over the world who are interested in non-drug health technologies and biotechnology. The event will

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3rd International Conference of the Higher School’s Pulse

The purpose of 3rd International Conference (May 12-13, 2016) is to provide practical guidance in the process of scientific project’s preparation and funding. The conference is directed mainly to graduate students, researchers, publishers of scientific journals, librarians, law and business representatives. Lectures and workshops led by international and national experts in the field will bring

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