Author Archives: Borgis

Identify innovations worth funding

Investing in Medical Innovations – Congress & Fair (IMICF 2016) is a two-day event organised by MedInvest Scanner at the International Conference Centre in Katowice on 18–19 February 2016. The Congress is addressed mainly to investors and innovators from all over the world who are interested in non-drug health technologies and biotechnology. The event will

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3rd International Conference of the Higher School’s Pulse

The purpose of 3rd International Conference (May 12-13, 2016) is to provide practical guidance in the process of scientific project’s preparation and funding. The conference is directed mainly to graduate students, researchers, publishers of scientific journals, librarians, law and business representatives. Lectures and workshops led by international and national experts in the field will bring

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11th Warsaw International Medical Congress

We believe that there is a huge need of international meetings for medical students. Such events provoke discussion, lead to mutual cooperation, provide inspiration and encourage young scientists to further endeavors. Therefore, we would like to invite you to Warsaw International Medical Congress 2015 edition. Students from all over the world are welcome to register

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1st Lublin International Congress for Medical Students and Young Doctors

Invitation On behalf of the Students’ Scientific Society of Medical University of Lublin, we are delighted to invite you to participate in “1st Lublin International Congress for Medical Students and Young Doctors” that will take place from the 29th to the 30th of November 2014 at Collegium Maius. This conference will begin a completly new series of meetings. We expect more than

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